
[div class=’callout secondary’]

Welcome to the Foundationize WordPress Starter theme featuring Foundation 6.

For more info on configurations, please see the Foundationize WordPress theme homepage.


[div class=’callout large’]

Once you’ve exhausted the fun in this document, you should check out:


[column class=’large-4 medium-4 column’]

Foundation Documentation

Everything you need to know about using the framework.


[column class=’large-4 medium-4 column’]

Foundation Code Skills

These online courses offer you a chance to better understand how Foundation works and how you can master it to create awesome projects.


[column class=’large-4 medium-4 column’]

Foundation Forum

Join the Foundation community to ask a question or show off your knowlege.




[column class=’large-4 medium-4  medium-push-2 column’]

Foundation on Github

Latest code, issue reports, feature requests and more.


[column class=’large-4 medium-4  medium-pull-2 column’]


Ping us on Twitter if you have questions. When you build something with this we’d love to see it (and send you a totally boss sticker).





[column class=’column large-8 medium-8′]

Here’s your basic grid:


[column2 class=’large-12 column’]

[div class=’callout’]

This is a twelve column section in a row. Each of these includes a div.callout element so you can see where the columns are – it’s not required at all for the grid.





[column2 class=’large-6 medium-6 column’]

[div class=’callout’]

Six columns



[column2 class=’large-6 medium-6 column’]

[div class=’callout’]

Six columns





[column2 class=’large-4 medium-4 small-4 column’]

[div class=’callout’]

Four columns



[column2 class=’large-4 medium-4 small-4 column’]

[div class=’callout’]

Four columns



[column2 class=’large-4 medium-4 small-4 column’]

[div class=’callout’]

Four columns






[column class=’column large-4 medium-4′]

Try one of these buttons:

[button href=’#’ class=’small’]Simple button[/button]

[button href=’#’ class=’medium success’]Success button[/button]

[button href=’#’ class=’medium alert’]Alert button[/button]

[button href=’#’ class=’medium secondary’]Secondary button[/button]

[div class=’callout’]

So many components, girl!

A whole kitchen sink of goodies comes with Foundation. Check out the docs to see them all, along with details on making them your own.

[button href=’’ class=’small’]Go to Foundation Docs[/button]


